
I came up with this recipe when I was desperately ill one day and felt like I needed ice cream but a cosier version. The banana is warm and you have a few options for what you do with the chocolate, add your favourite ice cream into the mix and you’ve got an almighty dessert! The quantities aren’t important here so have as much or as little as you feel but be warned it can very easily become an end of the week treat… better put on those tracksuit bottoms!

Makes one or two portions depending how much banana you want for yourself!

Ice cream - whatever flavours you have/like
1 banana
A bar of chocolate (use as much or little as you feel like)
Strawberries and raspberries

A grater…this isn’t complicated!

Get your banana (with skin still on) and pop it in the oven on a low temperature. If you have one in the bowl that’s more ripe than the others use that as it turns a glorious black colour as it bakes…. Stay with me… I promise it’s yummy!

While that’s cooking away don’t forget to get out your ice cream so it can warm up a bit and slice up your fruit so it’s ready to scatter over the top! You will also need to decide at this point what to do with your chocolate… I am a big fan of getting a grater and making little chocolate shavings to sprinkle on top. However you could also melt it in a bowl over a warm pan of water and drizzle it over the top of your dessert. Another option is to rewind a step and slice the banana down the middle before you put it in the oven, then tuck in squares of chocolate (DON’T cut all the way through the banana or the chocolate will dribble out the other side). When it’s cooking it will warm up and turn into an oozy chocolatey mess. DELICIOUS!

After about 10 mins your banana should be all black on the outside and warm. Take it out and leave it on the side for a minute it’s quite hot. I use a knife and a tea towel to slice into the skin and peel it away (you’ll notice the banana is still it’s glorious yellow colour but smells much sweeter). Now slice the banana in half lengthways and then in half down the middle so you have four long slices.

This is the point where you can be kind and donate two of the slices to a loved one or just think stuff that and keep them all for yourself!

Now quickly scoop your ice cream into your favourite bowl, follow with the banana and other fruits then finally get those chocolate shavings and your wonderful creation is complete!




Rhubarb crumble


Raspberry, blackberry & apple compote