Blueberry & Lime Compote

Looking for a healthy and sweet dessert - or something to make your breakfast feel special? This is it!  I make batches of this stuff with different seasonal fruit and freeze them - slowly taking them out as I need. The best part is there’s no sugar added in!

Makes enough for a daily dose over seven days

350(ish) grams of blueberries …I ate a few
2 tablespoons of honey
A couple of tablespoon of water
1 lime

Kitchen gadgets
A saucepan
A spoon

Put the washed blueberries in a saucepan. Add the honey, water, plus the zest and juice of the lime.

Cover the pan with a lid (with just a little gap so you can smell all the loveliness) and leave to bubble gently for a good 10-15 minutes until thickened and gloopy.

When it’s ready either pour it into a clean jar or bag it and freeze it for later.

NB: To sterilize a jar simply wash it out in soapy water, dry off and pop in the oven on a tray at 140c for half an hour. Leave to cool before you fill it!


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